April 27, 2024


 Attention? Adoration

Where in today’s world default gesture of writing is “HE”, No offense but I have all my thoughts here specifically referred as “SHE”, Just my thing not a feminist or any agenda holder here J.

 This is not just my perspective about how I see her, it is more than a relevance of how I might have judged her. I and SHE can be anyone starting from a year old who is seeking attention of her parents by doing mischievous acts or a teenager who is again doing something to get the attention she needed from her surrounding or a 50-year-old, who is still waiting to get the real attention from her close ones who are busy in their own world of need.

Attention as simple as it sounds, can be as difficult to understand as it for a child who is asked to spell it J. It is a polymorphic word which has 100 different meaning as per the userbase.

1-year old seeking attention is labeled as a CUTE ACT.

5-year old seeking attention is labeled as Eager.

Teenager seeking attention is labeled as Demanding.

Youth seeking attention is labeled as Seeker.

30+ seeking attention is labeled as Desperate.

50+ still seeking for attention is LEFT alone.

Instead of justifying the act of seeking it, if we consider the need of having it, I believe will simplify this state of mind being AT TENSION all the time to get attention from those who lacks affection and are bias.

For me, it is an act of Adoration, an act of attentive care which can satisfy the heart and soul of a beautiful person that she is. Adore her with your attentive eyes to see though her not just the face/ body/clothes but her heart and soul. Adore her with your attentive words of care and love and see how she evolves beautifully altogether a different perspective and thinking.

SHE will give her what is needed [love, Adoration] not what SHE is seeking [Attention, Approval].

2 thoughts on “She WANTS :

  1. Beautifully written! At times, giving attention, or adoration to someone might help them in such a great way, as we never know about inner battles

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