April 27, 2024

She wants Acceptance.

Isn’t that word describes everything for every SHE out there. SHE is accepting every single emotion of you. Yes she is tired and in pain still juggling the bottles around to be accepted by her loved ones, yes she is looking happy , she got promotion today yet figuring out time from her demanding schedule to be with her kids, yes she is at home sitting alone thinking of finding ways to organize a social meet up to be accepted in the society, YES SHE is YOU and YOU are SHE.

Whether she lost an opportunity or she did not have the time in her favor or it is the loss of someone precious to her, maybe a sudden change of her future plans or an unplanned move because of life priorities, for all the things she might be going through there is this constant fear of loosing control of her life, a constant fear of stepping out into reality a constant fear of being accepted by everyone, but my question to her who is dealing with all this.. what is more important to you, being accepted by others or by Yourself.

SHE is a very strong word and that is my reason to refer all my thoughts as SHE, go and just check on google for women quotes.. all you will see are these strong Keywords ” SUPER, Powerful,Strong , determined,courageous ” in association with SHE. That is why SHE strongly believe that she can overcome any change or hurdle in her path once she knows all the what, why and when associated with it, knowledge of the situation is the KEY to overcome it and Self-Acceptance of the situation is the first steps towards transformation.

Transformation journey she is on, is not based for approvals or certifications by anyone else, good or bad it is hers, shameful or full of pride it is hers, powerful or weak it is hers , capable or not it is hers.. As long as she owns it and Accept it.

Think and Thrive.


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